
The Wetlands Enhancement Fund was envisioned in 2019 by conservationists, landowners, and businesses interested in the long-term future and preservation of the Los Cerritos Wetlands and the surrounding watershed. The Fund supports projects that conserve, manage, restore, and enhance wetland and upland habitat and facilitate environmental planning, permitting and public access; advance healthy communities, social equity and climate resiliency and adaptation; and provide educational and research opportunities. The Fund fills a gap in much needed funding to fulfill a range of projects in this geography. The Fund achieves its mission through the work of recipients of Fund grants, and with the exception of workshops to inform grant funding and fund raising-related programming, does not directly implement projects and programs.

Grants: The Fund fulfills its mission primarily through grants to qualifying 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations that undertake projects that the Fund believes will advance its mission. Grants are made available through an annual competitive grant cycle. Governmental entities, tribes and academic institutions may qualify for grants if they are part of a collaboration with eligible non-profits, or other proposed projects that would fill a critical gap in advancing the Fund’s mission.

Fund Raising: The Fund works with corporate and individual donors, foundations, government institutions and agencies who want to focus a portion of their giving in support of the Los Cerritos Wetlands area for the array of projects advanced by the Fund’s grant giving. In addition, the Fund raises resources for re-granting from other sources, including the general public, private and public grant programs, events and sponsorships, projects that harness the passion of local residents and visitors (e.g., “blue-bucks”), and the distribution of funds collected by state and local governments through mitigation fee programs (e.g., Southeast Area Specific Plan, Port of Long Beach, and Coastal Conservancy mitigation fund programs).

Other Activities: The Fund may periodically act as a convener to gather experts and thought leaders for workshops to inform grant funding, and independently or with partners, implement fund raising-related programming such as a “blue-bucks” or other program that harness resident, business, and visitor giving.

Founders: The Fund’s creation was facilitated by Fund Founders who believe that this unique and treasured landscape was worth preserving for future generations. Fund Founders provided seed funding to launch the Fund and include: Los Cerritos Wetland Land Trust, Synergy Oil & Gas, LLC, AES and The Trust for Public Land.