Basic Steps to Apply for a Grant

The Los Cerritos Wetlands Fund uses the Long Beach Community Foundation’s Grant site to manage their Grants.

  1. Review the Grant Criteria to learn if your project qualifies.
  2. Set up an Account on the Long Beach Community Foundation’s Online Grant Portal.
  3. Submit a Pre-Application.
  4. If your project meets the criteria you may be invited to Submit a Full Proposal.

Grant Review

The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for making grant decisions. In order to be fully informed, the Board may consult experts and Fund Advisors as part of the grant review process. The Fund reserves the right at all times to ask applicants for additional information and to ask follow-up questions. Any Board member or Fund Advisor with a known conflict with respect to an application will fully disclose the conflict to the Board and will recuse him or herself from the review of the relevant application.

Grant Contract

Applicants selected for an award will be required to sign the Fund’s standard grant agreement.

Grant Announcements

Grant awards will be reported by phone and email communication to the grantees. Awards will also be published on the Fund’s website. The Fund expects to issue a press release or make other public announcements of the grants and grant recipients.

NOTE: The Fund reserves the right not to award any grants during a given cycle if funding does not permit, if there are no applicants the Board believes meet the requisite criteria or for any other reason.

For questions please contact Terry Watt, Program Officer.

Applying for a Grant

The Long Beach Community Foundation houses the grant application for the Fund. Click on the link below and find the Fund’s grant opportunities on the Non-Profit Grants page. You’ll need to create an account in the Foundation’s system, submit a pre-application to the Fund, and then, if selected to continue to a full proposal, you’ll be notified.